Is Tony Perkins the Most Disingenuous Person on the Planet?
PFAW Foundation: Is Tony Perkins the Most Disingenuous Person on the Planet? Well, in a world that includes Paul Ryan, maybe not. But Perkins ensured his standing near the top of the list with his...
View ArticleBachmann: Obama has 'Enforced Islamic Speech Codes Here in the United States'
Speaking this morning at the Values Voter Summit, Rep. Michele Bachmann dedicated her remarks to attacking the Obama administration for supposedly catering to radical Islam and that Muslim Brotherhood,...
View ArticleCameron: America Was Modeled on the 'Hebrew Republic Under Moses'
History has never been Kirk Cameron's strong suit, which can probably be partly attributed to the fact that he relies on "experts" like David Barton for his information.So it didn't come as much of a...
View ArticleBennett: The Press Attacked Romney on Libya and Tried to 'Kill This Truth in...
During his astonishingly smug introduction of Paul Ryan at the Values Voter Summit, self-styled "values czar" Bill Bennett blasted the Obama administration's response to the attacks in Libya and Egypt...
View ArticleTed Cruz Hails Rick Scarborough, Who Believes AIDS is God's Judgment for...
Speaking during the afternoon session at the Values Voters Summit, Texas Republican Senate nominee was introduced by fellow Texas, Rick Scarborough of Vision America.After Scarborough hailed Cruz as "a...
View ArticleKing: Obama and 'His Leftist Minions' are Working Every Day to Undermine America
Speaking today at the Values Voter Summit, Rep. Steve King declared that President Obama and "his leftist minions" are working every day "undermining the pillar of American exceptionalism, attempting...
View ArticleKamal Saleem tells Values Voter Summit that Clinton plans to 'Shut Down'...
We have been coveringtheabsurd, bizarreandparanoidrantings of phonyex-terrorist Kamal Saleem as he emerged on the Religious Right scene, and today he had his biggest platform yet at the Values Voter...
View ArticleStaver: Efforts to Redefine Marriage are 'Unpatriotic'
Today, Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver addressed the Values Voter Summit where he blasted those who "want to destroy the natural definition of marriage," declaring that any effort to "redesign the...
View ArticleParker: 'HHS Mandate has Made Sandra Fluke a National Icon for Sexual...
Speaking at the Values Voter Summit, Star Parker blasted Sandra Fluke and hailed her own Christian conversion for saving her from her own "sexual rampage":
View ArticleSantorum: 'We Will Never Have the Elite, Smart People on Our Side'
Rick Santorum tells the Values Voter Summit that the conservative movement will never have the media or the "elite, smart people" on its side, which is why it must rely on the church and the family:
View ArticleRachel Maddow Slams Paul Ryan for Appearing at Conference with Extremists
Last night on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow called out Paul Ryan for speaking at the Values Voter Summit and lending credibility to the bigotry and pure crazy on display at the conference. Her report provided...
View ArticleSex, Lies, and Bloodlust: What the Values Voter Summit Tells us About the...
What the Values Voter Summit Tells us about the Religious Right and GOP During this past weekend’s Values Voter Summit, the annual family reunion of the far right, RWW posted many memorable video...
View ArticleWhere does Harry Jackson live now?
Where does Harry Jackson live now? A few years ago, anti-gay activist Harry Jackson claimed that he had moved from Maryland into the District of Columbia in order to lead an unsuccessful campaign...
View ArticleFox News Host Wants Federal Investigation into 'South Park' for Blasphemy
Fox News’s Todd Starnes is sick and tired of ‘South Park’ and Hollywood getting a free pass. The Fox News commentator participated in the Values Voter Summit panel on “Religious Hostility in America”...
View ArticleJerry Boykin Explains How Progressives Are Like Hitler, Stalin, Lenin and Marx
When Jerry Boykin was named Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council in July, some of us wondered if Tony Perkins would make him put away his conspiracy theories and act – in public at...
View ArticleIs Bryan Fischer Too Bigoted Even For The Values Voter Summit?
The last time Bryan Fischer spoke at the Values Voter Summit was back in 2011, when organizers tried to hide his involvement in the conference because of his long history of unabashed bigotry. The...
View ArticleAFA Lunch at VVS: Call for 'Aggressive' and 'Offensive' Church in Culture War
The American Family Association hosted a luncheon on Friday at the Values Voter Summit. The featured speaker, Rep. Randy Forbes, was a no-show, though the audience was assured his non-appearance had...
View ArticleBauer: Praising A 'Promiscuous Co-Ed' Like Sandra Fluke Is A Sign Of...
Do you remember Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown Law Student who testified on behalf of the contraception mandate last year and then became the focus of the Religious Right's anti-choice/anti-sex ire?...
View ArticleRios: 'Fabulous' Ex-Gays Want To Tell Their Stories
Back in July, American Family Association talk show host Sandy Rios predicted that “thousands of ex-gays” would show up for an “Ex-Gay Pride” rally in Washington, D.C. Of course, fewer than ten did.But...
View ArticleRios: Gays And Lesbians 'Caught In A Powerful Web Of Deceit'
Not only did Sandy Rios plug the ex-gay movement at today’s Values Voter Summit, but she also railed against public schools for creating an “ocean of propaganda on the homosexual issue” to indoctrinate...
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